General Pelios of Athera

Pelios, Princess of Aborea

A fight isn't worth winning if you don't win it with honour. I fight with honour. Where is your?
— Peli to Crysantha

Peli is a woman with strong convictions. She believes in upholding honour, living a virtuous life, being truthful, kind, and generous. She is often teased about her lack of creativity, especially because her race is known for how creative they are. Even though she was drained of her power, she has attracted a number of followers that see her as their general, princess, and their god. Peli is very loyal, often to a fault.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Peli has always taken great care with her physical appearance. To her, the way she presents herself to the world must reflect her ideals.  She is tall, standing about 5'8", and strong.  Her hair and skin are light and luminous and her eyes are said to glow a bright blue.  Just as important to her are her clothing choices and the armour and weapons she carries.  Everything is well mended, clean, shinny and sharp.  She does not wear makeup or jewelry unless it has a magical purpose, seeing such adornments as unnecessary and risks of the sins of envy and greed.

Special abilities

As an Aura Born, Peli has natural magical gifts and talents. She was never trained to use them though and when they were unlocked from their seal, Tar'Riek quickly took them from her. She was supposed to be a great divine warrior with powerful abilities that enhanced her sword skills and her protective nature. She has maintained her auras, regeneration, and truesight, but everything else was taken.

Peli is an accomplished warrior. She has wings and can fly, though she normally prefers to appear in a wingless form. She is an expert swordsman, a decent magic user, very knowledgeable about the realms and the creatures that inhabit then, and is well spoken. Though she can be harsh and strict, most Aura Born and celestials have a high opinion of her.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

I don't care if your mad at me.  I don't care if you hate me.  I can live with your anger, I can't live with your blood on my hands.  I would have made the same choice every time.  Your life is worth my mistakes.
— Crysantha to Peli

Peli is the child of Nal'Yea and Ethesis . Ethesis and Nal'Yea believed they were each other's true love, and Peli was seen by most of the Aura Born as the child of the strongest and most pure, true love. After what As'Meus had done to Nolan and the threats he made if Nal'Yea ever have a child with someone else, she was terrified for Peli. Not wanting her daughter to be abused or corrupted by As'Meus, she locked her powers away so Peli could not be sensed or found to protect her. Nal'Yea hid Peli in a small outpost realm called Athera on the outskirts of Arcadia, a realm Ethesis controlled and protected.

Peli grew up here thinking that she had no family. Brought up by an orphanage in a militant town, she was raised to become a templar knight in the Order of the Rose, one her her father's orders. On her 16th birthday, Athera was attacked by Tar'Riekm looking for the child of Ethesis. Tar'Riek had figures out how to drain young Aura Born of power, and was attempting ascension himself by stealing this power.

Before she was taken by Tar'Riek, Crysantha arrived to save Peli and bring her back to her family. After learning that she was not orphaned, but rather hidden, Peli started to resent her family feeling abandoned.

Crysantha brought her back to Aborea where her mother's people and allies were. With Peli's interest in military and combat, Crysantha decided she would train the young woman. Eventually, Peli and Nolan grew close. Nolan confided in Peli about his past and the abuse he suffered at his father and brother's hands. It was Nolan's history and trauma that helped Peli forgive her parents. Seeing Tar'Riek as a source of evil and pain in her brother's past, Peli set out to trap Tar'Riek and attempt to force him to give Nolan back his essence.

Young and confident, she set out with a small group of loyal men. They thought they found and cornered Tar'Riek, but it turned out ton be a trap. Tar'Riek's fiends appeared after the celestials reached the point of no return, and they were all slaughtered. Tar'Riek took Peli captive and made her watch, pointing out that her pride and hubris killed her friends, not the fiends.

Tar'Riek then drained Peli of her essence as he did to Nolan, and emboldened by his victory, he had his fiends hold her captive while he went to go offer Crysantha Peli in exchange for something he wanted dearly.

The fiends started to kill Peli slowly while they waited for Tar'Riek. He arrived at a tavern where Crysantha was, and warned her that Peli had hours left to live. In exchange for her location, he wanted a prophecy on a child that was to lead the lost back home. Unwilling to sacrifice Peli to Tar'Riek, Crysantha gave him the prophecy.

Morality & Philosophy

Believeing in protecting the innocent and doing the right thing above all else, Peli is strict with herself and those under her. She holds herself to a very high moral standard, and expects excellence in herself. She expects it of others too, but is more forgiving of other's shortcomings, believing that a good, just, and strong leader is what everyone needs to be their best selves.


Contacts & Relations

Peli is well liked and well respected among the celestials and the more moral Aura Born. She is seen as a champion for good, and a champion for her parents who are both well liked and respected. Most respect that Peli does not just take what is given to her in her birth right, but works to earn it.

After making amends with her parents, they became some of the closest contacts for Peli, and by extension those within their inner circles also became close to her. Arguably, Peli's closest relation that is not a blood relation is Valeris. Valeris is a couple years younger than Peli, and she always saw him as a younger brother. The two have travelled extensively with each other, and have worked along side each other so long that they can anticipate the other's thoughts. Valeris has been offered commands of his own, but he prefers to stay as Peli's second in command, seeing the Aura Born as his leader.

Peli also has very close with Crysantha, though that relationship can be strained at times. Crysantha is more like an older sister and mentor to Peli, but she has discovered the lengths Crysanthat is willing to go to and the lines she is willing to cross to get what she wants, and it has caused Peli to start to keep her at a distance.

Family Ties

Peli comes from a powerful and influential family as far as the Aura Born are concerned. Her mother and father are both beloved and respected, and that grants Peli a number of political ties and contacts that she might not have.

Peli has become close to her father, and even is considered to be his champion. She was also very close to her mother before her mother's disappearance. Other, older Aura Born tried to step in as maternal figures for Peli, but she refuses to see another in her mother's place.

Nal'Yea's followers see Peli as a hero and leader, and many have flocked to Peli after her mother's disapearance. One of the more gifted and youngest oracles, Tia Vie'Ara of Khalari, sought Peli out for protection at the end of the war. Peli saw Tia as an innocent to protect and someone who seemed to have contact with her mother. When Tia was taken by Tar'Riek, it was Peli and Nolan who fought hard to bring her home.

Peli has one brother, Nolan. Nolan has always wanted a good and string relationship with Peli, but disagreements caused a rift between the two. Nolan sees Peli in high regard and loves herd deeply, but Peli fears that Nolan's closeness with Crysantha could taint him. Peli's strict nature runs contrary to Nolan's easy going attitude, and the two have always butted heads in matters of ethics.


Prince Nolan of Aborea

Brother (Vital)

Towards General Pelios of Athera



General Pelios of Athera

Sister (Important)

Towards Prince Nolan of Aborea



Wealth & Financial state

Peli has access to wealth, but barely uses it for herself. The wealth she has or has earned all go to pay her men, and to support those who are in need. The few things she keeps for herself she sees as practical, she keeps the things and tools she needs to continue to do what she does: protect the innocent and fight evil.

That being said, she does have some very expensive things she owns. Her swords, shield, armour, and amulets are all magical. She has a number of other magical resources like bags of holding, potions, and some rings, but all of these she sees as serving a purpose in the fight against evil, and she shares them freely with who would benefit from them most.

She does have a lot of coin and gems as well. These, she stores for the use of helping those in need, or resupplying her men so they do not have to pay for what they need.

Date of Birth
196 CC, 12th Celestial Era
Bright blue
Long blonde, often tightly pulled back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Auran, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial, Elvish, Elemental, Common

Nal'Yea mother
Ethesis father
Nolan half brother
Nil of Dis'Arie sibling
Virtues and Vices
Aura Powers
True Sight
Annihilating Strike (stolen by Tar'Riek)
Aura Shield (stolen by Tar'Riek)
Banestrike (stolen by Tar'Riek)
Shape Shift (altered by Tar'Riek)
Aura of Courage or Adoration
Know Truth and Lies

Stories on Peli



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