Prince Nolan of Aborea

Man'Eis, Prince of Khalari

I don't care if I ever get my power back. I'm fine with what I am now, even if that's a fraction of what I could be. I'm happy. I'm in love. That's more than I thought I would ever get, that's more than most people will ever get.
— Nolan to Crysantha

Nolan is a man of mystery. Little that is said about him is true, including his name. Yet in every story he spins about his life and past is an underlying truth, even if it is hard to find. Nolan is kind, charismatic, and hard not to like. He shows an optimism and joy to others that is almost infectious. Those closest to him though see the hurt caused from a painful past, one that the tiefling seems eager to forget.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nolan is on the taller side, standing just over six feet tall. He is very strong and agile, but has a more slender frame. He has deep black hair that he keeps a medium length, keeping it pulled back between the horns on the top of his head. His skin is a deep, cold red, and his eyes, though brown, frequently have a vibrant glow to them making them seem almost to be a glowing red.

Special abilities

Nolan is an Aura Born, giving him natural magical talents and gifts. He should be able to create worlds and creatures, making what he focuses on and dreams manifest into reality, but his power was drained by his brother. Nolan has gained a significant amount of power back, but he had had to work harder than most Aura Born. He is an accomplished musician, singer and dancer, and he uses music and performance as a way of manifesting his magic. He is also very intuitive and insightful, talents he has transitioned into making him an accomplished spy for Crysantha.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

You're weak and pitiful. I should have been you. You didn't deserve what you had! It wasn't right! It should have been mine! It should have been me!
— Tar'Riek to Nolan

Nolan was born to the eldest of the Aura Born, As'Meus and Nal'Yea. Though Nal'Yea loved Nolan dearly, she did not love his father.

Sometime in the later part of the first half of the Divine Wars, As'Meus was able to get his hands on Nal'Yea in a catastrophic event. Everyone thought she had died, but he had taken her captive, bringing her back as his prisoner to Bae'a'Tor. She spent cycles being abused by him, and eventually had her first child, Nolan.

Nolan was originally named Man'Eis by his father. Unaware that she had had a child, Ordin saved Nal'Yea from As'Meus and brought her back to Ethesis.

Nal'Yea spent years trying to get someone to bring her son back, and after a couple of failed attempts, she thought that he was lost to her forever.

Nolan spent the years with his father being abused, berated, and tightly controlled. He was taught to fear the natural power he had from being an Aura Born as his father took every wish that manifested and twisted it so it manifested wrong and had a painful result. Though his father tried to raise Nolan to fear him and do whatever he said for fear of the punishment that came from failure or disobedience, Nolan had more of his mother in him than As'Meus could control.

Jealous of how much of their father's attention Nolan received, Tar'Riek beat his brother daily. He terrorized him emotionally, forcing him to watch helplessly as Tar'Riek did awful things to anyone who was kind to Nolan.

When Nolan was almost 15, Ethesis commissioned one of his most effective agents to go and save Nal'Yea's son. Crysantha was a relatively new recruit to their side of the war, but what she lacked in reputation and experience she made up for in zealously. She was highly focused, calm in stressful situations, and she had yet to fail a mission.

Crysantha went to Bae'a'Tor with a small team of highly skilled spies, assassins and warriors.

Tar'Riek was one of the few who saw Crysantha coming. He rushed to his brother, and feeling the rage of a lifetime of jealousy and mistreatment, he tried to kill Nolan. He took his father's weapon, an Obsidian Void Shard, and stabbed Nolan with it, screaming in a jealous rage that he never deserved the power he was born with, and never deserved their father's love. As the blade pierced Nolan's heart and as Tar'Riek screamed his wrathful desires, Nolan's inherent power drained from him, passed through the shard, then passed to Tar'Riek.

The instant rush of power shocked Tar'Riek as his head started spinning.

Nolan lay on the floor dying right as Crysantha got to him. Rage filled her as she looked at the scene, but with an unnatural calm, she focused on the first part of the mission

Get Nal'Yea's son back to her alive

Crysantha pulled the Void Shard out from his chest and said a quick incantation, healing the traumatic internal injuries with a word. Tar'Riek saw as the terrifying woman looked back to him, a seething and focused rage in her eyes. Knowing her reputation as a cold and calculated killed, he stepped back and conjured a portal.

Crysantha and her men got Nolan back safely to his mother.

Morality & Philosophy

Believing in the goodness in everyone and wanting to help preserve the peace and innocence in others that was taken from him, Nolan spends his life being better than his father. He has a very strong moral code, and Crysantha has teased that he is her moral compass. He takes a special interest in trying to free and help those who were victims of abuse and tyranny, and tried to help them recover from the trauma that they went though, something that he still is working though himself.


Contacts & Relations

Nal'Yea and Crysantha and her men are Nolan's closest and strongest political affiliation. He is a very likeable man who makes friends easily. As he is generous with his time and money, he has ended up making friends over the realms who are strangely, and sometimes zealously, loyal to him.

Crysantha, Rhymiel and Talos are almost like family to Nolan. He has a half sister, Peli, and though he has always wanted to be close to her, she keeps him at arms length.

Work with Crysantha brought Nolan into contact with Talos. He travelled with the barbarian and his men for years. The two have a very strong friendship, and eventually Nolan met Talos's daughters. It did not take long for him to develop a very strong friendship with Ari Rie'Ana who had become Talos's partner. Ari's youngest sister and adopted daughter of Talos caught Nolan's eye. Tia Vie'Ara was a very shy young lady, interested in art, literature, and magic more than she was interested in romance, expensive jewelry and dressed or high society. Nolan started a friendship with her, enjoying her company more than most. Knowing how shy she was, Nolan romantic pursuit of her was almost to slow and subtle as Tia originally wrote off his feelings as him being kind to his ally's daughter.

Family Ties

Some say that Nolan was blessed by birth. Being the biological child of two of the oldest and most powerful of the Aura Born, he should have had everything he ever wanted.

This was not to be the case.

As a child, Nolan watched as his father badly abused his mother, and when she was rescued, his father kept Nolan from her. The abuse continued for Nolan, every day was worse than the last. To make matters worse, his half brother was jealous of him and his innate power, and when Tar'Riek figured out how to dominate and hurt Nolan, he too joined their father's abusive behaviour.

Since being rescued by Crysantha, Nolan has completely cut ties with his father and any contacts his father has. Though many fear or respect Nolan because of his father's potential wrath, Nolan goes out of his way to distance himself from As'Meus .

Nolan has been completely accepted into his mother's world, and even has found her partner Ethesis to be a father figure to him. Since both Nal'Yea and Ethesis are beloved by most of the Aura Born and Celestials, he has earned a lot of respect and adoration from those within their circles.


Prince Nolan of Aborea

Brother (Vital)

Towards General Pelios of Athera



General Pelios of Athera

Sister (Important)

Towards Prince Nolan of Aborea



Prince Nolan of Aborea

Fiancé (Vital)

Towards Tia Vie'Ara of Khalari



Tia Vie'Ara of Khalari

Fiancé (Vital)

Towards Prince Nolan of Aborea



Prince Nolan of Aborea

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Tar'Riek of Nessus



Tar'Riek of Nessus

Brother (Important)

Towards Prince Nolan of Aborea



Wealth & Financial state

Though Nolan is quite generous with any wealth and material possessions he comes across, he is known to have expensive tastes and is a collector of rare or powerful artifacts. Lifetimes of doing strange or difficult jobs with Crysantha and her men has built him a vast store of wealth that he rarely uses.

Date of Birth
4CC, 11CE
Parents (Adopting)
medium length black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Cool Red
Aligned Organization
Related Plots
Known Languages
Auran, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial, Elvish, Elemental. Common

Nal'Yea mother
As'Meus father
Ethesis adoptive father
Tar'Riek half brother
Pelios of Athera half sister
Nil of Dis'Arie sibling
Virtues and Vices
Aura Powers
Alter Luck (stolen by Tar'Riek)
True Sight
Master Inspiration (stolen by Tar'Riek)
Master Performer (stolen by Tar'Riek)
Empower Emotion (altered by Tar'Riek)
Aura of Fear or Adoration
Shapeshift (altered by Tar'Riek)

Stories on Nolan



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