The Ranad Mountains
"...and for as long as the city's glory towers above you, swear do you, upon those who came before you, to never set foot from the Ranad, or death take you."Located in the continent of Arad and lying to the east of Thripia, at the far end of the Meleatte Desert, are the Ranad Mountains. From these dry peaks, the Meleatte River flows, sourced from the heights of the Mother Mountain. Fertile valleys exist within the hills within which the Aradin live. Centuries ago, after the founding of Thripia, the Aradin signed a pact which forced their people to make the Ranad their home, where they remain. Beyond the valleys and their relatively minuscule greenery, the territory is comprised of rock canyons, deep ravines and ancient caves, all entangled around tall cliffs and peaks.
The Ranad Mountains, despite their dry environment and hostile terrain, have been made home by several intrepid species. While birds such as vultures and eagles are particularly dominant, lions are the fiercest predators of the area. Stripped horses live in the lower valleys as do many reptiles such as snakes.Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild