Kasjani Needle Scorpion

The Kasjani needle scorpion, also known as the Kaszur Stinger, is a rare type of predatory arachnid that can be found in the hot rainforests of the north-eastern regions of The Known World.   Like the common scorpion they have eight legs, a segmented carapace, claws, and a long, venomous tail stinger which is only used for defence in the natural world. In the wild they prey primarily on insects and small mammals.   Needle scorpions normally live in nest colonies, which can comprise up to 50 individuals.   Needle scorpions can grow up to 3 inches in length, and their exoskeleton contains fluorescent chemicals and glows under certain light conditions.   What makes them so unique, and different to others species of scorpion, is that their venom has a distinct and unusual effect when injected into most humanoid species.   Instead of the usual paralytic effect, their venom causes an intense and addictive euphoria when taken into the bloodstreams of most humanoid species, similar in effect to strong opioids.   This property has lead to the growing use of needle scorpions as an illegal recreational, and particularly dangerous drug, commonly known as Sting.   Once a needle scorpion has injected it's venom the tail snaps off, and the scorpion dies. In their natural habitat the stinger is therefore normally only used for defence of their nests.   Rumours of giants Kasjani needle scorpions, up to ten feet in length, living in the deepest parts of the Kataque Archipelago still persist, though most think of such things as merely the stuff of terrible nightmares.

Kasjani Needle Scorpion by Joanna Liang

1-3 years
Average Length
1-3 inches

Cover image: Entities by Alexey Yakovlev


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Mar 11, 2022 15:17

I really like it, but I must ask: what evolutionary advantage does this venom give? i.e. what made the needle scorpions develop this unique venom?

Mar 11, 2022 18:10 by Neil

Thanks rttuo! I do have an answer to that, but I can't give it out in a public forum in case my campaign players see it! I just hope they ask themselves a similar question when they eventually meet the giant, 15 foot long version of these nasties... what awful creature must they be having to defend themselves against to develop such a strange venom? I want the answer to that question to be a very nasty surprise to them! :-D