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Amuli Funatus

The Last General

The most powerful member of the Cyrdian Army, who answered only to the Emperor himself, Amuli Funatus is a strategical mastermind and a skilled warrior in his own right. He now commands what remains of the Cyrdian Army, forever defending the ruined capital of Salernum.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As a wight, Amuli's body appears to be rotten and decayed, but in reality his strength has grown beyond what it was in life.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Amuli joined the Cyrdian Army as an ambitious young man, and quickly proved himself to be a powerful fighter and a strong leader. He served for over 20 years and rose to the rank of Marshal before dying to an enemy assassin. Such was his love of war, however, that he rose again as a wight so that he could continue to fight. Rising through the more static upper ranks took much longer, and he became a General after roughly 150 years. In this high rank, Amuli had the opportunity to frequently meet with Emperor Cyrdin, who respected his single-minded drive to win. Feeling that the High Commander of the time was unworthy of the position, Amuli had him assassinated, a fact which is something of an open secret. Cyrdin knew what had happened, but didn't mind, as he believed that Amuli would indeed make a great leader of the army. He was promoted in the year 328 B.C., and held the position until the empire fell during the Great Cataclysm.

After the fall of the empire, Amuli and some of the undead warriors in Salernum survived. Too loyal to move on, they now guard the city from any outsiders, halting any attempts at treasure hunting ot archeology. Amuli is the sole commander of these undead warriors, and is known by them as the Cyrdian Empire's last general.

During his time as High Commander, Amuli sought to experiment with novel assets that could make the army much more formidable. The most influential investment he made was into firearms. Amuli saw the potential of these new weapons when most of the world thought they were slow, inaccurate, and inferior alternatives to crossbows. This early investment yielded results, and grew to serve as an integral part of the Cyrdian armory, alongside the more traditional bows and crossbows. Now, he and his men have almost all of the world's firearms, as very few others survived the Cataclysm.

Personality Characteristics


Almost everything Amuli may have once cared about has faded from his memory, leaving only his loyalty to the empire.
Current Location
Circumstances of Death
Reanimated as a wight
Glowing red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, decayed
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Amuli's Fighting Style

Amuli's favored weapon has always been the greatsword, which he wields in one hand, seemingly with ease. He has a strange, lurching and sweeping attack style, which can often confuse and disorient his opponents. In his other hand, he wields a pistol, which he is capable of reloading without letting go of his sword.


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