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Former Emperor of the Cyrdian Empire

Cyrdin was the ambitious emperor of Cyrdia, the largest nation on Yiaroth before the Great Cataclysm. Through his immortality as a lich, he sought total world domination, but his pride eventually led to his doom.

Currently, he survives as a demilich, in a constant torpor unless he is disturbed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the nation of Ospia, Cyrdin was a talented wizard and accomplished scholar. He was ambitious, and rose to a high rank in Ospia's military. When he grew old and felt his time running out, he turned in desperation to lichdom. Though some distrusted his new undead nature, he continued his work for another lifetime before he turned his attention toward rulership. In a brutal attack aided by his undead and construct servants, Cyrdin deposed the king of Ospia and declared himself emperor. After quelling the numerous rebellions that sprang up in the aftermath, he began his mission to rule the entire world by conquering his country's neighbors.

After roughly a thousand years of near-constant warfare, the Cyrdian Empire had gained control over a large portion of the continent of Yiaroth, but this was frustratingly slow to Cyrdin. When he discovered the story of the titans, the first creations of the gods who held power over reality itself, he sought to create artificial titans of his own, much like he had created the androids. However, when he released the titans, he could not keep control of them, and they started destroying everything around them. While a group of insurgents tried to stop this, slaying one of the titans, it was not enough, and the godlike creatures left the world in ruins.

During the chaos of the titans' rampage, Cyrdin's soul cage, the object securing his power as a lich, was destroyed. Without it, Cyrdin's body crumbled to dust and his mind deteriorated until only his skull remained. He sank into a mindless torpor, unable to act unless directly disturbed and he remains in the labs below Salernum to this day.


Emperor Cyrdin's rule entailed contant warfare and expansionism, ingraining these traits into his nation's culture.
Art created using HeroForge.
Current Status
Slumbering beneath Salernum
Current Location
Year of Birth
1139 B.C. 1789 Years old
Circumstances of Death
Reanimated as a Lich
Brown, intense
Long, white, patchy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale grey, rotted
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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