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Imperial Palace of Cyrdia

The Imperial Palace was the residence of Emperor Cyrdin, as well as the various other important people that required frequent contact with him or his government. He still dwells there today as a demilich


The original purpose of the palace was to house the Ospian royal family and a few of their guests. Under Cyrdin, it was expanded to have various places for magical and alchemical research, both his own and other scholars', a large library stocked with knowledge from across the world, and much more housing for the large number of people now living at the palace either temporarily or permanently.


The palace is reinforced with magic, and so didn't need to abide by normal rules of construction. Various sections of the palace were built on top of each other in a way that would cause a normal building to collapse. While nothing originally floated in the air, the Great Cataclysm destroyed much of the structure, leaving surviving pieces suspended above the ground. The extreme verticality of the palace was due to the fact that, with the city of Salernum surrounding it, there was no room to build outward.


The palace was, and still is, extremely well defended. While Cyrdin himself was a formidable wizard, some of the most elite members of the Cyrdian Army were rotated through guard duty at the palace. These were troops that have proven themselves in battle many times over, and possessed physical and magical might far beyond an ordinary soldier's. Currently, the remnants of the Cyrdian Army still protect the palace and Salernum as a whole, and Cyrdin's demilich form lies hidden inside.


The Imperial Palace was once the Royal Palace of Ospia before Cyrdin's coup. It was built several centuries before this by the Ospian royal family, who were moving from their previous residence in the country to a location closer to the capital, which would eventually grow to surround it. When Emperor Cyrdin took power, he claimed the palace and renamed it. As the empire, and Cyrdin's wealth, grew, he had the palace expanded, for his own comfort, his research, and to house the increasing number of important political, military, and scholarly people who would need to travel frequently to Salernum. The palace towered above the rest of the city, a physical reminder of the might of the empire and its ruler, but it was mostly destroyed during the Great Cataclysm.
1 A.D.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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