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Jurlale is a small hunting community on the southern tip of Sasheth, between two much larger continents.


Jurlale is ruled by a chief, who is elected by a council of the most prestigious hunters and other community members. The council usually elects one of their own as chief, and they also serve as the chief's advisors. The chief, once elected, rules for life, but they are only needed to make decisions occasionally, and they still retain whatever their old job was.


Jurlale has no organized defense, and is protected by the community's hunters when needed.

Industry & Trade

There is occasional trade with seafaring people who dare to go as far north as Sasheth, but given that most humanoids, including the Jurlans, have not developed advanced enough navigation to cross large stretches of ocean, they are mostly isolated. There are few other humanoids living in Sasheth, and those that do are rarely motivated to cross the mountains to reach Jurlale.


Jurlale was once a trading town called Karngi, but was destroyed during the Great Cataclysm. Centuries later, the cataclysm's survivors, as well as the new people of the world, resettled where Karngi had been.


Buildings in Jurlale are designed to contain heat, and have thick walls and doors, and sometimes raised floors to prevent cold air from outside from entering.


Jurlale sits on the coast at the southern tip of Sasheth. Just behind it, the land climbs steeply to the mountains, so the town has little room to grow.


Jurlale is extremely cold in the winter and still cool in the summer, but its weather is relatively mild. Destructive blizzards do happen, however.
Elected chief
Founding Date
1411 B.C.; 662 A.C.
Trade post
229 (40% orcs, 20% goblins, 12% kitsune, 10% tengu, 8% hobgoblins, 7% catfolk, 3% other)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under

Cidotl, Drohm, Kozrumon
Attacks by creatures from the north, devils from Gelus Fortress


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