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Created due to the magical energies of the Great Cataclysm, nightmares are evil horses imbued with fire and smoke. They serve as mounts for other evil creatures, but are dangerous on their own as well.

Basic Information


A nightmare resembles a skeletal horse with black, thorny bones and molten innards. An aura of smoke surrounds it at all times.

Ecology and Habitats

Nightmares inhabit anywhere that horses do, but as predators, their numbers are lower. They prefer warmer environments, but have no inherent weakness to the cold.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Nightmares are obligate carnivores, as opposed to ordinary horses, and a group of nightmares feeding on a corpse is a disturbing sight.


Nightmares take great joy in inflicting pain on other creatures. They often begin eating their prey before it's dead.

Additional Information

Social Structure

While nightmares form groups, like horses, their predatory nature means that their "herds" cannot reach the huge sizes that horses' did.

Average Intelligence

Nightmares have intelligence that is slightly above-average even for humanoids, which makes them all the more dangerous to those they decide to target.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Nightmares have darkvision, able to see in complete darkness.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Nightmares will only serve as mounts for truly despicable creatures, and even extremely powerful beings cannot force them to serve when they don't want to; they would rather die than serve a master that isn't evil.

Greater Nightmares

Larger and more dangerous than an ordinary nightmare, the greater nightmare has no equivalent on the Material Plane. They are not unknown on the Material Plane, however, as they can transport both themselves and their rider to other planes.
Genetic Descendants
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

Articles under Nightmare


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