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Hybrid Nightmares

Hybrid nightmares are the offspring of the fiery monstrous horses that are nightmares with either unicorns or pegasi, which grants them some traits of the non-nightmare parent, though they are always more like a nightmare. Evil humanoids who have befriended nightmares often seek to breed hybrid nightmares to serve as mounts, making them even more of a threat to their enemies.

Basic Information


A hybrid nightmare created from a nightmare and a unicorn has a sharp, jagged horn similar in appearance to obsidian, while one created from a nightmare and a pegasus has bat-like wings that fade into a shadowy mist. A hybrid with a winged unicorn parent can be born with both traits.

Biological Traits

Unicorn hybrids have more numerous and powerful innate spells than a nightmare, though they are rarely the same spells as the unicorn parent's, and usually far more attack-oriented. In place of vitality-fueled healing spells, they might have void-powered harm spells, and instead of removing diseases, they might plant harmful fungi in their targets.

Genetics and Reproduction

While nightmares, being intelligent, see the value in creating members of their species with the powers of a hybrid, the process of reproduction is extremely painful for the non-nightmare parent, and, being mostly good natured, unicorns and pegasi tend to oppose the goals of nightmares. A non-nightmare would therefore almost never willingly mate with a nightmare, meaning that they must be forced to either by the nightmares themselves or by some third party. Forcing a stallion to reproduce is highly impractical, so the father is almost always a nightmare. The process of giving birth causes serious harm and even death to the mother.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A hybrid nightmare has the ability to see in darkness, like both of its parents, and gains the strong sense of smell of its non-nightmare parent.

Genetic Ancestor(s)

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:


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