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The majestic and elusive pegasi are horses that grew wings due to the Great Cataclysm. They can be powerful mounts to great heroes.

Basic Information


A pegasus is a horse with a huge set of feathery wings.

Genetics and Reproduction

Pegasi are able to reproduce with other equines, though this normally results in the offspring having the traits of its least magical parent. Occasionally, a unicorn and pegasus may create a winged pegasus with an extremely strong sense of duty and righteousness.

Growth Rate & Stages

Pegasi mature and grow at the same rate as ordinary horses.

Ecology and Habitats

Pegasi tend to live in high mountains, isolated from human civilizations, as it is difficult for poachers and catchers to find them there.


Pegasi tend to ally themselves with the forces of good, though this is not always the case. Regardless, they are highly prideful and stubborn.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Pegasi, like horses, tend to form herds, though they are much smaller. They also have established territories, making these herds much more permanent and tight-knit than those of horses.


Pegasi are wild creatures at heart, and tend to resist being ridden. They will never willingly serve an evil creature, and even among good creatures, they usually give their service only temporarily to those with a truly virtuous goal. Respectful offerings and acknowledgement of the creature's majesty increases the likelihood of receiving their companionship. A pegasus never accepts a saddle or bit, both out of pride and practicality.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Pegasi are often hunted as trophies by extremely daring poachers, and many creatures also seek to enslave them to serve as mounts, willingly or not. For this reason, pegasi tend to stay away from creatures they don't trust.

Average Intelligence

Pegasi are as intelligent as humanoids, and while they themselves cannot speak, they can understand humanoid languages.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Along with a decent sense of smell, pegasi also have eyes that can see in total darkness.
Genetic Descendants
15 years


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