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Temple of Yher

Yher, a deity of prophesy and knowledge with an unknown history, has dwelt within this temple for as long as anyone can remember. They give out prophesies, often cryptic and vague, to anyone who asks for them, regardless of morality. They answer any question asked of them, no matter the scope, as long as it pertains to the future. Once someone has asked a question, they cannot ask another for ten years.


While the temple once stood in the center of a sprawling city, Yherong was abandoned after the Great Cataclysm. As a result, the rooms surrounding Yher's central chamber lost their original use. After the cataclysm, creatures with ties to fate, such as cyclopes, omen dragons, and norns, began to dwell in and around the temple. Some of these creatures serve (or at least claim to serve) Yher, and others are simply attracted by the power of prophesy in the area.


Yher's temple was originally built by an ancient civilization, though whether it was built for Yher or simply adopted by them is unclear. Over time, as people heard that they could receive prophesies from the mysterious deity, some decided to live nearby, and the great city of Yherong slowly built around the temple and atop the old civilization. After the Great Cataclysm, Yherong was abandoned, and parts of the temple fell into disrepair. Some of its new inhabitants have made restorations, but not all of them care to do so.


People from across the world make pilgrimages to Yherong's ruins to receive prophesies from the deity. The journey is often dangerous, and some of the creatures who dwell there claim the right to "vet" any who wish to see Yher.
Founding Date
~3500 B.C.
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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