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Created from horses warped by the magic of the Great Cataclysm, unicorns are graceful, elusive creatures and protectors of places of uncorrupted natural beauty.

Basic Information


Unicorns resemble horses with a single, conical horn emerging from their foreheads

Genetics and Reproduction

Due to their long lifespans, unicorns are under no pressure to reproduce quickly, and typically only do so on the rare occasions when a male and female happen to meet.

Ecology and Habitats

Most unicorns dwell in secluded wilds untouched by civilization, though a rare few take their righteousness with them into the wider world.


Due to poaching, unicorns are highly wary of humanoids. If someone proves themselves pure of heart, however, they will almost certainly have the unicorn's support.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Most unicorns live alone, though some form small groups with no definite leader.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Unicorn horns have a variety of uses in both magic and alchemy, but their sale is often outlawed, and can come with a hefty punishment.

Average Intelligence

Unicorns have roughly the same intelligence as humanoid creatures, and are capable of speech.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Unicorns have the unique ability to detect whether a creature is pure of heart.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Under certain circumstances, a unicorn may decide to serve as a mount for a humanoid creature, something which they cannot be trained or forced to do. They will only serve someone they believe to be pure of heart, and usually only temporarily, during a quest of high importance.
Genetic Descendants
125 years
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pure white


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