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Vokish is a language from before the Great Cataclysm and is mostly spoken now by the god Kozrumon and his devil servants. This is because Kozrumon, in his mortal life, was a knight of a nation called the Vokining, where Vokish was spoken, although it was not called Vokish at the time and only came to be known as such because of Kozrumon himself. Kozrumon lived long before the cataclysm, and by the time it occured the language he had spoken was archaic and had heavily drifted. It is a linguistic ancestor to the languages spoken by the Tsumri people of Ogri and Tsumoenia.

While some elements of the Tsumri languages made their way into the languages of the Surface Peoples who hid in the Darklands during the cataclysm, the Vokish family essentially died out. When Kozrumon was reborn, however, Vokish was still his native language, and as he began to build his army, he recognized the need for a standard language for his forces, which were recruited from all over the world. Therefore, all devils, and even some mortal recruits to the knighthood, are required to learn Vokish and use it in all communications with other members. The devils try not to share the language with outsiders, making its knowledge quite uncommon.

All contracts made with the devils have two drafts: one in the native language of the mortal signing the contract, and one in Vokish. Each draft additionally has two copies, one of which is kept in Gelus Fortress for record-keeping, and the other which is given to the contracted mortal.


6 Words.
Rarity Uncommon


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