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Relatives of the despicable wargs, witchwargs have both more raw power and more intelligence, and are a serious threat to any trespassers to the tundras they call home. Created from wolves affected by frost magic from the Great Cataclysm, they can exhale blasts of cold like a dragon's breath weapon.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Unsurprisingly, witchwargs inhabit the coldest tundras and frozen plains. Due to their white coats, they prefer environments that stay frozen year-round, and their heat vulnerability ensures they also avoid areas where high temperatures are reached.


Like ordinary wargs, witchwargs are malevolent, and take great pleasure in inflicting pain.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Like all lupines (with the notable exception of snowshades), witchwargs hunt in packs. Unlike ordinary wolves, both wargs and witchwargs ascribe leadership to the strongest member. Though, due to their high intelligence, witchwarg packs are fare more democratic than wargs'.


Unlike wargs, who simply value food and shelter, witchwargs have a sense of pride in their intelligence and abilities. If they decide to serve another creature, it must be one that has demonstrated its superior strength. Often, they are companions and guards for frost giants, gelus dragons, or devils.

Average Intelligence

Far more intelligent than ordinary wargs, witchwargs are cunning enough to employ tactics more advanced than the simple flanking of their cousins. In fact, these creatures' stratagems often resemble those of humanoid military forces. Like the wargs, witchwargs can speak, and take great joy in taunting their victims.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A witchwarg's nose is just as sharp as its predecessors, but it also possesses the ability to see in complete darkness.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Geographic Distribution


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