Eastern Isles

The Eastern Isles are a small group of islands located off the east coast of the Eastern Plaguelands. The islands are shrouded in mist and surrounded by treacherous reefs and rocky outcroppings, making them a difficult and dangerous place to navigate.   The largest of the islands is known as Eastholm, and it serves as the main hub of activity for the Eastern Isles. The island is home to a few scattered settlements, mostly inhabited by fishermen, farmers, and other self-sufficient communities.   Despite their small size and relative obscurity, the Eastern Isles are still home to a diverse array of flora and fauna. The islands are covered in dense forests, with a few small lakes and streams providing freshwater sources. The waters surrounding the islands are home to a variety of fish and other aquatic life, making them a popular destination for fishermen.   However, the islands are also home to a variety of hazards and challenges. The dense forests are home to dangerous predators, including wolves, bears, and worgs. The waters surrounding the islands are infested with pirates and sea monsters, making travel by ship a risky endeavor. And the islands themselves are prone to natural disasters, including hurricanes, tornadoes, and volcanic eruptions.
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