
Freehold is an island located in the region of Tiragarde Sound in the continent of Kul Tiras in Azeroth. It is a bustling pirate city full of opportunistic brigands, cunning traders, and ruthless sea dogs. The city is built on the ruins of a former Kul Tiran capital, which was destroyed during the Third War.   Freehold is home to a variety of pirate crews, including the Bilge Rats, Cutwater Corsairs, and the Red Sons pirates. It is also home to the infamous pirate queen, Ashvane, who controls the city with an iron fist.   The zone is divided into several areas, including the Harbor, the Market District, the Rum Quarter, and the Outskirts. Players can explore the city and its surrounding areas, complete quests, and engage in combat with various pirate gangs.   Overall, Freehold is a vibrant and dangerous zone filled with intrigue, adventure, and treasure. It is a popular destination for players looking to experience the thrill of the pirate life.
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Included Organizations