Isle of Blackwake

The pirate island is a small, rugged island located northwest of Gilneas. It is a haven for pirates and smugglers, with a reputation for lawlessness and danger.   Despite its rough exterior, the pirate island is also home to a thriving community of traders, merchants, and adventurers. At the heart of the island lies the free port, a bustling marketplace where goods are traded and deals are made. The free port is known for its lax laws and lack of regulation, making it a popular destination for smugglers and other shady characters.   One of the most popular destinations in the free port is the The Rusty Nail tavern. The tavern is a raucous, rowdy establishment that serves as a meeting place for pirates and adventurers from across the seas. It is known for its strong drinks, hearty meals, and lively atmosphere, making it a popular destination for travelers seeking adventure and excitement.   Another notable feature of the pirate island is the newspaper called The Privateer. The newspaper is a popular source of news and information for the local population, covering everything from the latest pirate raids to the comings and goings of the local trade ships.   The pirate island is currently controlled by the Blackwater Company, a ruthless group of pirates who took control of the island from the previous owners, the Blackwake Crew. The Blackwater Company is known for their ruthless tactics and willingness to do whatever it takes to maintain their power and influence over the island.   Despite the dangers and challenges of the pirate island, it remains a popular destination for adventurers and traders seeking fortune and glory on the high seas. Those who are brave enough to venture into its murky depths will find a world full of danger, excitement, and opportunity.    
The Isle of Blackwake Base Map Image
Included Locations
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Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)
Vehicles Present