Isle of Harvests

The Isle of Harvest is a group of five islands located in the Free Seas in the Warcraft universe. Despite their small size, these islands are known for their self-sufficiency and cooperation with one another, making them a valuable resource in the world of piracy.   The largest island in the group is called The Table, and it serves as the central hub for the other four islands. The Table is a bustling hub of trade and commerce, and is home to a variety of markets, shops, and businesses that serve the other islands in the group.   The other four islands in the group each have their own unique resources and specialties. Demon's Hand, for example, is known for its rich deposits of iron and other metals, which are mined and exported to other locations throughout the Free Seas. Ponz, on the other hand, is one of the few places in the region where fresh water is readily available, making it a vital resource for the other islands.   Bounty is another important island, with fertile lands that are perfect for farming and agriculture. The island is home to a variety of crops and livestock, which are harvested and traded with the other islands in the group. Finally, Idemen is known for its rich wood resources, which are used to build ships and other structures throughout the Free Seas.   Despite their success and cooperation, the Isle of Harvest is a constant target for dangerous pirate crews who want to take control of the islands and their resources. In order to protect themselves, the leader of the Isle of Harvest is given a council coin, which grants them speaking and voting rights on the Pirate Council. This ensures that the interests of the Isle of Harvest are represented and protected on the council, and helps to prevent the islands from being taken over by hostile forces.

Isles of Harvest Base Map Image
