
Zandalar is an ancient and powerful empire located on the eponymous continent of Zandalar in the Great Sea. The Zandalari are a proud and noble race, known for their powerful magics and connection to the Loa, the powerful spirits worshipped by the trolls.   The capital city of Zandalar is Zuldazar, a sprawling city carved into the side of a massive mountain. The city is home to the Zandalari king and serves as the heart of the Zandalari empire. The city is a hub of culture and trade, filled with bustling markets, ornate temples, and grand palaces.   Beyond Zuldazar, the rest of Zandalar is a wild and untamed land, filled with dense jungles, towering mountains, and treacherous swamps. The Zandalari people have lived here for thousands of years, and their culture is deeply ingrained in the landscape. The Loa are a constant presence in the land, with many of their temples and shrines hidden deep in the wilderness.   Despite their isolationist tendencies, the Zandalari have a rich history of interaction with other races. They have long maintained close ties with the Gurubashi trolls of Stranglethorn Vale, and have even allied with the Horde and the Alliance at various times throughout history. However, in recent times, the Zandalari have become more isolationist, seeking to protect their ancient empire from outside threats.
Included Locations