
Zuldazar is the ancient capital of the Zandalari Empire, located in the continent of Zandalar. It is a city of immense size and grandeur, built on the side of a giant mountain overlooking the surrounding jungle. The city is home to the Zandalari trolls, a proud and ancient race that has long been the dominant force in the region.   Zuldazar is a place of great history and culture, filled with temples, shrines, and other religious sites. The most prominent of these is the Temple of the Loa, a massive structure built into the side of the mountain. The temple is the center of the Zandalari's religious life and is home to many powerful Loa spirits worshipped by the trolls.   The city is also home to a bustling market district, where traders from all over the world come to buy and sell goods. The markets are filled with exotic and rare items, from spices and herbs to powerful magical artifacts.   The Zandalari are known for their prowess in battle, and the city is home to many warriors, both male and female. The guards of the city are fierce and well-trained, and the walls of the city are heavily fortified, making it a difficult target for any would-be invaders.   Despite its impressive defenses, Zuldazar has seen its share of conflict over the years. The Zandalari have clashed with many enemies, including the mogu, the trolls of the Gurubashi Empire, and even the forces of the Alliance and the Horde. But through it all, the city has remained standing, a testament to the strength and resilience of the Zandalari people.
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