The Order of Verdant Wisdom

The Order of Verdant Wisdom is a specialized faction within the Bloom Research and Scouting Corps (BRASC) that blends scientific inquiry with spiritual belief. Members of this faction believe that understanding and ultimately conquering the Bloom requires a deep connection to nature and reverence for the ancient wisdom embodied in the gods, particularly Sylvana, the God of Wood.  

Challenges and Conflicts:

Internal Tensions: Balancing scientific rigor with spiritual belief can sometimes lead to tensions within the Order, especially when facing urgent and dangerous situations.   External Skepticism: Other factions within BRASC and the broader population of the City Ships sometimes view the Order’s spiritual practices with skepticism, questioning their practical value in the fight against the Bloom.   Corruption Risks: The Order’s close work with the Bloom and their spiritual rituals expose them to higher risks of corruption, both physically and mentally. Maintaining purity and balance is a constant struggle.  

Legacy and Impact:

The Order of Verdant Wisdom strives to bridge the gap between belief and science, offering a unique and holistic approach to combating the Bloom. Their efforts to honor the memory of Sylvana and restore balance to the natural world make them a crucial and respected faction within BRASC, even as they navigate the challenges of their dual mission.


High Druid: The leader of the Order, known as the High Druid, is both a spiritual guide and a scientific leader. They oversee the faction's activities, ensuring a balance between belief and practical action.   Circle of Sages: A council of experienced druids, scholars, and spiritual leaders who advise the High Druid and help direct the Order’s research and field operations.   Field Researchers: These members venture into Bloom-infested areas to gather samples, study Bloom Beasts, and attempt to communicate with or pacify corrupted nature spirits.   Ritual Keepers: Specialists in ancient rituals and ceremonies, these members perform rites intended to protect their fellow researchers, purify contaminated areas, and honor the memory of Sylvana.

Public Agenda

Ritual Purification: The Order conducts elaborate rituals aimed at purifying small areas of the Bloom, reversing corruption, and restoring natural balance.   Symbiotic Research: They study the interactions between the Bloom and natural ecosystems, seeking ways to counteract the corruption through symbiotic relationships and restorative techniques.   Spiritual Expeditions: Missions are sent deep into the Bloom to seek out ancient sacred sites, relics, and forgotten lore that might offer clues to combating the Bloom or understanding its true nature.   Training and Education: The Order trains new recruits in both druidic practices and scientific methods, fostering a generation of researchers who are as spiritually attuned as they are intellectually rigorous.


Sylvana’s Sanctuary: A hidden, fortified grove aboard the Iron Leviathan, serving as the Order’s main base. It is a place of tranquility, where nature flourishes despite the surrounding metal and machinery.   The Grove of Echoes: A sacred site within the Bloom where the Order believes they can hear the whispers of Sylvana’s spirit. Expeditions here are dangerous but considered vital for their spiritual and research goals.   Elderwood Library: A vast repository of ancient texts, research notes, and spiritual writings maintained by the Order. It is located in a secure section of the Iron Leviathan and serves as a center for learning and study.

Tenets of Faith

Beliefs and Philosophy:

Harmony with Nature: The Order holds that the key to combating the Bloom lies in achieving harmony with nature. They believe that the Bloom, though corrupted, can be understood and possibly even purified through this harmony.   Reverence for Sylvana: Despite the tragedy of the Bloom, the Order venerates Sylvana as a deity whose teachings and essence still hold valuable insights. They seek to honor her by striving to restore balance.   Spiritual Insight: Members often engage in meditation, rituals, and the study of ancient texts and natural phenomena, seeking spiritual insights that can guide their scientific research and practical efforts against the Bloom.


High Druid Alaric Greenshade: The current leader of the Order, known for his wisdom, compassion, and unyielding dedication to understanding the Bloom. He is both a powerful druid and a respected scientist.   Sage Liora Windwhisper: A member of the Circle of Sages, Liora is known for her ability to communicate with nature spirits and her deep understanding of ancient rituals and lore.   Field Researcher Elandra Mossfoot: A brave and resourceful researcher who has ventured deep into the Bloom and returned with invaluable data and insights. Her dedication to the Order’s mission is unwavering.
Religious, Other
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization

Cover image: by Appy Pie Design


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