The Twin Nests: Plateau of Plague, Plateau of Time

Middling Boroughs built high on the ruins of many others or atop raised outcroppings of stone, too deep now to tell, looming over their neighbours, joined together by a bridge of wood and rope.   Sights, Smells, etc. Putrefaction and sweet decay, swirling vapours upon the Plateau of Plague, a more static scent of calm and the howling of the Spire upon the Plateau of Time.   Buildings Thick-walled to keep out the wind and cold, roofs that trap the moisture in the air to flow through copper pipes, construction of far more absurd angles as the buildings near the edge of the plateau, then built directly into the side until it reaches the ground below.   Ascent Access to the Twin Nests is available for a fee via the man-powered marvel of rope, pulleys, and deep-buttoned plush fabric known simply as The Chair, located by the Burning Bridge on the Plateau of Time, or by climbing one of the numerous winding staircases cut into the sides of the Plateaus.
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