
Built on the ruins of a large city belonging to a pre-Cataclysm civilization, strange magic flows through its roots. Though not evil, the residents of the city are noticeably different from those of the other cities on Vanahar.   Overflowing with mercenary bands such as the Seventh Goat and Golden Harpies, and gangs like the inherited-wealth Youngbloods.   Governed by nine families, the Corvuscult.   Anyone can challenge a family’s place in the Corvuscult provided they can gain petition from at least two other reigning families. The opposing families then appoint a champion to enter The Morrigan to face challenges set by the rest of the Corvuscult, with victory granted to the family whose champion survives the arena.   While the champion isn’t required to be part of the family, they must represent them out of faith in their ability to govern, not how well they pay. The discovery of mercenary champions is not taken lightly by the Corvuscult.   Entrances
  • The Tributary - An expanse of open-palmed beckoning arms, their perfect marble skin marred by patches of crustose red lichen, reaching out around a gaping entranceway astride the Corpusmilch river. Entrance requires a gift or action dependant on the cycle of the moon. Nothing may pass through the Tributary during the full moon.
  • The Common Gate - Six severed goat heads hang from the walls along the gateway, hung with wooden charms. A low keening crawls from their throats and their nostrils flow with a lurid pink mucus when something unnatural moves in their presence. The heads need to be prepared and replaced weekly as they rot.
  • Fishwall Gullet - Gaping fish-like lips emerging from the wall, hewn from the same stone, carved within like a cavernous throat, an inviting tongue lolled out, waiting to swallow you whole. Attended by the Fishwives, it's best to treat them kind or you may find the mouth on the other side reluctant to open, the way behind you closing.
  • The Oracle Gate - The undying head of a little girl sits in an iron cage suspended from a lantern post, limp red hair hanging now almost to the ground.

Articles under Corpathia


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