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Concordian Defence Force


The Concordian Defence Force (CDF) is an organization within Concordia  that employs mercenaries to carry out specialized tasks deemed too small for the regular army. Each force is assigned to a regional seat of power, where its commander answers to the region's leader, typically the mayor of a city or town. Although missions are sometimes set by the Concordian Army, the CDF operates independently for the most part.

Structure and Organization

The CDF is composed of multiple regiments of mercenaries, usually numbering between three and ten. Each regiment's leader is identified by a silver pin. These regiments are tasked with a variety of missions, ranging from keeping areas safe from bandits and monsters to information gathering and even assassination. In some of the wilder areas of the empire, they function as a police force to maintain order.

Societal Impact

Due to the Concoridan caste system , non-humans face significant discrimination and limited opportunities. Joining the CDF is one of the few ways for non-humans to earn a living without harassment. The CDF provides a vital service to the empire, ensuring regional stability and security while offering employment opportunities to those marginalized by the caste system.
Military, Mercenary Group


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