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Concoridan caste system


The Concoridan Caste System describes the social stratification and social restrictions in the Holy Empire of Concordia , in which social classes are defined by family line, genetic heritage, race and place of birth.    

First-Class Citizens

First-Class citizens are individuals considerate to be "True Concoridans", either by being born in a known Concoridan family or by having Concoridan ancestors if the person in question was born abroad. They reap the fully benefits of the Concorida Empire and are protected by the Empire itself in foreign countries. they often own large areas of land and estates. they have higher levels of education and are taxed minimaly.   While full of benefits, First-Class citizens need to abide by the laws and customs of Concorida, otherwise, they can lose their caste and rights.  

Second-Class Citizens

Second-Class citizens are individuals from nations that have been conquered by the empire. 2nd class Citizenship is reviewed annually and those who are seen as not having contributed to concordia can have their citizenship revoked.
Second-class citizens are allow to trade and travel freely as long as it is also in service to the empire. Second-Class citizens can aim to be first-class citizens by marrying a member of a prominent family in Concorida. Additionally provisional second class status can be granted to third class citizens. This is most common when a third class citizen wishes to open a business.  

Third-Class Citizens

Third-class citizens are not allowed to own businesses or property. Income can only be earned while in the service of a first or second-class citizen and they are taxed heavily. They cannot travel freely.
Non humans living in Concordia are automatically third-class citizens and cannot progress any higher. In some rare circumstances half breeds are given second-class status although it is widely looked down apon.
Becasue the CDF is run by the state it is common for non-humans to make a living as mercenary in its service.


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