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Rask family


The Rask family is an ancient bloodline, originating from the first Devils and marked by a storied history that spans millennia. Known for their fierce lineage and mysterious powers, the Rask family has been both feared and respected across the ages. Their symbol, a ram's head with feathers for horns, reflects their complex heritage—one of strength, rebellion, and transformation. As their bloodline gradually became more human, the Rasks were cursed with voices in their heads, a legacy that led to their eventual decline.

Origins and Ancestry

The origins of the Rask family trace back to the earliest Devils , a group of Demons who existed long before recorded history. During the Empyrionic War , a devastating conflict between demons and the Sheen , a race of powerful Celestials, the Rasks played a pivotal role in an unprecedented betrayal. The devils, led by House Rask, alongside House Kral and House Mortix , made the fateful decision to turn against their own kind. Instead of siding with their fellow demons, they chose to ally with the Sheen, believing that the Celestials' victory was inevitable and seeking to secure their own survival and power in a new order. This act of treachery against their kin not only shifted the balance of the war but also left a lasting mark on the Rask family, intertwining their fate with that of the Sheen and the material plane.

The Betrayal at Quel'Lutaan

In 223 AoL, Valdor Rask, alongside Borzan The Cursmith, launched a plan to destroy the elven city of Quel'Lutaan . Valdor, wielding the Spirit Slayer, succeeded in defeating the Fey King and trapping his soul within the sword, further enhancing its dark power. However, Valdor's triumph was short-lived. Borzan, seeking to seize power for himself, betrayed Valdor and banished him back to the Devils' plane of existence. This treachery marked yet another dark chapter in the Rask family's history and further solidified their reputation as a cursed and ill-fated lineage.

Settlement in the Ebon Marshes

Following the Emperionic War, the Rask family sought refuge in the Ebon Marshes , a remote and foreboding region where they could live in isolation from the rest of society. The marshes, with their dense fogs and treacherous terrain, became synonymous with the Rasks, who were often regarded with fear and suspicion by those who lived nearby. The settlement in the Ebon Marshes allowed the Rasks to maintain a degree of privacy, but it also further isolated them from potential allies and hastened their decline as a noble house.

The Curse of the Rask Bloodline

As the Rask bloodline became more diluted and human over the centuries, they were struck with a terrible curse—a chorus of voices in their heads that drove many to madness. These voices were believed to be the tortured souls of the devils who had turned against their kin, a constant reminder of the Rasks' demonic heritage and their ancient betrayal. This curse not only affected their mental stability but also contributed to the family's decline in both power and numbers.

The Spirit Slayer

One of the most notable relics associated with the Rask family is the Spirit Slayer , a legendary sword believed to have been forged by the devils themselves. The Spirit Slayer was a fearsome weapon capable of consuming the souls of its victims, adding to the wielder's power while damning the souls to an eternity of torment. The sword was passed down through generations of the Rask family and was a symbol of their power and their curse. However, the Spirit Slayer was lost during the Age of Light , a period marked by the resurgence of goodness and the decline of dark powers. Its loss was a significant blow to the Rask family, both symbolically and practically, as they were left without their most powerful weapon.

Decline and Legacy

As the curse of voices took its toll and the family lost its most prized possession, the Rask bloodline dwindled. One by one, members of the family succumbed to madness or were lost to other tragedies, until only a single descendant remained. The last known member of the Rask family, Pagram Rask, attempted to escape his cursed heritage and find redemption. Despite the family's decline, the stories of their dark origins, their betrayal during the Emperionic War, and the legendary Spirit Slayer continue to be told across the lands.   The Rask family, once a powerful and feared house, is now a symbol of both the consequences of betrayal and the enduring struggle against one's darker nature. Their history serves as a reminder of the thin line between power and ruin, and the lasting impact of choices made long ago.


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