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Sebastian Silvertoung


Sebastian Silvertongue, also known as the Bard of Hearing, was a member of the renowned Silvertoung Family , a lineage celebrated for their mastery of music and magic. Despite his prestigious background, Sebastian was cast out of the family, an event that led him into a downward spiral.

Early Life and Exile

Sebastian’s early years were spent under the shadow of his illustrious family, but something led to his eventual estrangement. The reasons for his exile remain shrouded in mystery, but it resulted in Sebastian turning to alcohol, his reputation tarnished, and his prospects dim.

Arcane Punch

Sebastian's life took a significant turn when he joined the adventuring group Arcane Punch , which was then known as The Hand. The group was investigating a crime syndicate beneath Tho-Harmodios , and it was here that Sebastian began to reclaim his purpose. Within the group, he flourished as their main tactician and magical support, his intellect and strategic thinking proving invaluable.

The Bard of Hearing

During his time with Arcane Punch, Sebastian harnessed the research of his uncle, an arcane resercher, to develop a unique tune that could manipulate the ancient technology of the Kang-Zao , an advanced and long-lost civilization. To wield this power, he forged Arya, a weapon that was also a musical instrument, allowing him to channel his magical melodies directly in battle.

Legacy and Disappearance

Sebastian's reputation as a tactician and bard grew across the Jubal Plains and Ilisha during his time with Arcane Punch. Many believed that this rise to fame was a deliberate effort on Sebastian's part to prove himself to the family that had cast him out, seeking to restore the honor he had lost. However, his story took a mysterious turn when he, along with the rest of Arcane Punch, disappeared while exploring the tunnels beneath the Jubal Plains. To this day, the fate of Sebastian Silvertongue and his companions remains one of the great unsolved mysteries of the region.


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