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Arcane Punch


Arcane Punch was a renowned adventuring party instrumental in the unification of the Lycnathropes and the Eladrin Elves with the Queendom of Ilisha . They also played a significant role in the outbreak of the 5th Plains war . Known for their diverse and powerful members, Arcane Punch left a lasting legacy in the annals of history, though their ultimate fate remains shrouded in mystery.  


Memebrs of Arcane punch both current and past:  

-Elizar -(MIA)

A member of the monk order known as the Benefists , Elizar is celebrated as one of the greatest heroes of the Jubal Plains. His efforts to uplift the people of Radet and his inspiration behind the formation of the Lizard tribes' elite fighting force, Elizar's chosen, solidified his legendary status. Elizar was last seen with the rest of Arcane Punch as they ventured into the tunnels beneath the Jubal Plains, where they disappeared.

-Sebastian Silvertoung -(MIA)

Known as the 'Bard of Hearing', Sebastian was a skilled bard and an alcoholic. Serving as the party's tactician, he was well-versed in various forms of utility magic. Despite being cut off from his noble heritage as a member of the Silvertoung Family , Sebastian created his own legend among the warriors of Arcane Punch. He vanished alongside the rest of the party beneath the Jubal Plains.

-Rhea Silvestre - (MIA)

-Known as 'Rhea of the Black Lightning', Rhea was a sorcerer famed for her iconic black-colored lightning. Her most famous feat was allegedly killing a Leviathan with a single bolt. Trained as a weapon by the High Temple of Concordia from a young age, Rhea traveled with Arcane Punch despite once being imprisoned in the Foundation. She is the only known surviving founding member of the party. Her current whereabouts are unknown, as she disappeared with the rest of Arcane Punch beneath the Jubal Plains around the time of the 5th Plain War.

-Pagram Rask -(KIA)

-The last of the Rask family and the wielder of the legendary sword Spirit Slayer, Pagram was a warrior who fought against both internal and external demons throughout his life, searching for spiritual peace. He was killed by a member of the Twilight organization during the Battle of Canyonwood. Whether Pagram found the peace he sought remains debated by historians, though his comrade Sebastian once claimed that Pagram died with a smile on his face.

-Nessy Whitelock - (KIA & MIA)

A scholar of the White feather for most of her life, Nessy joined Arcane Punch later in life, despite being well past her prime. She was killed in the Battle of Canyonwood but miraculously rose from the dead, becoming arguably the most powerful member of Arcane Punch, wielding new, unknown powers. Some younger members ofJaghatai Village's cavalry claim to have been personally trained by her.  

-Hivarax - (MIA)

A druid who grew up in the haunted forests of Lingrah , Hiverax was rescued from The Foundation , Concordia's highest-security prison. Young by gnome standards, he joined Arcane Punch after receiving premonitions of the damage that would be wrought by the Twilight organization.

-Gideon - (KIA)

Known as 'You' for most of his life, Gideon was a kind and gentle bard often seen with a hatchling dragon at his side. He disappeared on a quest beneath the Queen's Mountains. Neither he nor his dragon have been seen since.

-Carnage - (KIA)

Trained by the Wyvern Division of the Ilishan army, known as the Order of Scaled Wings , Carnage was infamous for her anger and bloodthirsty nature. Her volatile temperament led to the killing of a sea captain, forcing Arcane Punch to face trial in open court. She ultimately met her end at the hands of Yumina Magstina after escaping captivity. It is said that Carnage's soul never found rest, and reports of a ghostly knight in red, said to speak with her voice, continue to haunt the lands.

-Paul Popoulis - (KIA)

A monk of the Ploupatoum based in the Southen Palatine Kingdom , Paul had a brief stint with the party. However, he never returned from the quest beneath the Queen's Mountains in the northern Jubal Plains.

-Azimus - (KIA)

A bird chimera and one of the founding members of the group, Azimus met a tragic end when he was killed and eaten by orcs in the Feyline Forest.

-Zarr - (KIA)

A half-orc warrior and member of the Concordian CDF , Zarr was killed by an ogre in the caves of the Feyline Forest.

Alternative Names

Across the Branded Realms, Arcane Punch was known by various monikers reflecting their widespread influence and enigmatic nature. In Ilisha, they earned the titles Fab Four and later The Hand. Within the Jubal Plains, they were referred to as both the Wanton Wanderers and Arcane Punch. The reasons behind these multiple aliases were never publicly disclosed, though it is speculated that they stemmed from unsuccessful attempts at subterfuge.

Notable Adventures

Brokering Peace in the Feywilds

Arcane Punch first emerged in the western regions of Ilisha, where they brokered a significant peace agreement between the Knights of Bezdur and the stronghold of Erok in the Feywilds . This early accomplishment established their reputation as mediators and heroes.

Uncovering a Crime Syndicate in Ilisha

Their next appearance was in the capital of Ilisha, where they uncovered a crime syndicate being run by an advisor to the Queen . This revelation occurred during the momentous event when the Queen made both the Lycnathropes and the Eladrin Elves bannermen of the Sun Crown. Their actions during this time earned them both fame and notoriety.

The Murder and Pardon

Arcane Punch's relationship with the Queendom became complicated when they were declared enemies of the state following the murder of a ship's captain by one of their own, Carnage . However, they were eventually pardoned after she was executed by Yumina Magstina of Erok.

Disrupting an Extra-Planar Invasion

Arcane Punch's next notable adventure took place beneath the Crescent Gate Academy, where they disrupted an attack by creatures from another plane of existence. This event further solidified their reputation as defenders against supernatural threats.

The Battle of Canyonwood

The group took part in the Battle of Canyonwood, where they successfully repelled scouts from theHoly Empire of Concordia who had attacked the village. This battle was a turning point for the group, as it was here that two of their members, Pagram Rask and Nessy Whitelock, lost their lives. Despite these losses, Arcane Punch's efforts prevented further Concordian incursions into the region.

Finding Sanctuary in the Jubal Plains

A few weeks later, Arcane Punch reappeared in the western Jubal Plains, where they discovered a submerged castle beneath a lake. They gifted this castle to Chimera refugees who were being hunted, providing them with a safe haven. Following this, the party made Radet their temporary base, performing various tasks for its chief,Granny Agogwe . One of these tasks involved warning the people of Jaghatai Village of a surprise attack by Concordias 6th legion , allowing the villagers to escape, though their village was ultimately destroyed.

Final Mission and Disappearance

After their time in Radet, Arcane Punch ventured into the tunnels beneath the Jubal Plains. They were last seen entering these tunnels, and their fate remains unknown. Their disappearance has fueled countless rumors and speculations, but to this day, no definitive answers have been found regarding what happened to them.


Arcane Punch's influence stretched across multiple regions and conflicts, from Ilisha to the Jubal Plains. Their actions played a crucial role in the unification of powerful factions, the protection of vulnerable communities, and the thwarting of otherworldly threats. Though they disappeared under mysterious circumstances, their legacy endures in the stories and histories of the Branded Realms.
Adventuring Party


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