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The Ageless Breath


The Ageless Breath, revered as the divine essence that sustains Dragons  and their kin, holds a sacred place in the pantheon of the Divine Glyphs. It is the primal force that enables dragons to thrive and propagate across the world, imbuing them with their legendary longevity and unmatched power.  


The Ageless Breath's influence extends exclusively to dragons and their descendants, shaping the destinies of Dragonborn and lizardfolk alike. Within the bloodlines of these creatures lies the essence of the divine glyph, granting them their draconic heritage and the formidable traits associated with it. From the majestic dragons that soar through the skies to the proud Dragonborn who walk the earth, all owe their existence to the Ageless Breath's divine domain.  


In the natural order of the world, true dragons serve as living incarnations of the Ageless Breath. As ancient beings of immense power and wisdom, dragons embody the essence of the divine glyph throughout their immortal lives. When a dragon's physical form fades, its energy returns to the Ageless Breath, allowing for the birth of another dragon to carry on its legacy. Thus, the cycle of life and rebirth perpetuates the eternal presence of the Ageless Breath in the world.  


Among those blessed with dragon blood, reverence for the Ageless Breath is a deeply ingrained aspect of their culture and spirituality. Dragonborn in particular, uphold the divine glyph with reverence, honoring it as the source of their draconic lineage and heritage. However, worship of the Ageless Breath is not confined to Dragonborn alone; Lizardmen  and @yu , who also bear traces of dragon ancestry, pay homage to the divine glyph in their own rites and ceremonies. Curiously, true dragons themselves seldom engage in worship, viewing their connection to the Ageless Breath as an inherent aspect of their being rather than a deity to be venerated. This perspective, coupled with their renowned arrogance, sets dragons apart as living embodiments of the divine essence they hold within.


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