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Dragonborn, descendants of dragons, exhibit strong physiques and vibrant scales, deeply devoted to their rare clans found primarily in the Zalukan Dynasty  and Kianto  Island. They honor their ancestry, worshiping The Ageless Breath, and relentlessly pursue self-improvement and mastery.    

Physiology and Heritage

Dragonborn, humanoid descendants of dragons, bear a striking resemblance to their draconic ancestors, standing upright with powerful builds, though lacking wings or tails. Initially displaying vibrant hues matching their dragon kin, successive generations of interbreeding have yielded a more uniform appearance. Their small, fine scales typically range from brass or bronze to scarlet, rust, gold, or copper-green. Often towering at close to 6½ feet tall and weighing 300 pounds or more, dragonborn possess strong, talon-like claws on their hands and feet, each adorned with three fingers and a thumb. Certain dragonborn clans boast a potent lineage tied to specific types of dragons, evident in their scales' hues closely mirroring those of their dragon forebears. Radiant reds, greens, blues, whites, lustrous blacks, or gleaming metallic golds, silvers, brasses, coppers, or bronzes may mark these distinguished individuals.

Dragonborn Clans

For dragonborn, clan allegiance supersedes all else, with loyalty and respect directed unwaveringly towards their kin. The honor of each dragonborn reflects upon their clan, and any act bringing dishonor risks expulsion and exile. Knowing their place and duties within the clan, dragonborn uphold these responsibilities to uphold the clan's honor. Dragonborn clans, however, are rare across the continent, with the largest concentrations found in the Zalukan Dynasty  and the island of Kianto.

Cultural Identity

Many dragonborn venerate The Ageless Breath , the Divine Glyphs  linked to dragons and their lineage. Yet, rather than overt worship, the divine glyph is regarded as an intrinsic aspect of their existence, deeply ingrained in their cultural identity.

Commitment to Excellence

Driven by a relentless pursuit of self-improvement, dragonborn epitomize self-sufficiency, valuing skill and excellence in all endeavors. Failure is abhorred, motivating them to exert extreme effort before conceding defeat. Mastery of a skill represents a lifelong aspiration, and individuals of other races who share this commitment readily earn the respect of dragonborn.


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