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Trinity of Quel'Lutaan


  The Trinity of Quel’Luttan were three heroic elves who played a pivotal role in defending the elven city of Quel'Lutaan  during a devastating attack by the devils of the Hellish Plains. Their efforts were instrumental in protecting the citizens and ensuring that a portion of the city survived the onslaught. Despite their ultimate sacrifice, their legacy as the saviors of Quel’Luttan remains deeply respected among the elven people.

Members of the Trinity


-Hassath Molgaren.

Hassath Molgaren was a skilled political mover and information broker within Quel’Luttan. He served as the head of The Ethereal Gate Keepers, the city's teleportation guild, a position that granted him significant influence over the city's affairs. His mastery of teleportation magic allowed him to monitor and control the movements of high-ranking officials and provided crucial logistical support during the city's defense. Hassath's extensive knowledge of the city's inner workings and his connections with the trade guild made him an indispensable asset in organizing the city's response to the devil invasion.

-Rayla Aldermoon.

Rayla Aldermoon, the twin sister of Lucias Aldermoon, The head of House Aldermoon , was a prodigious intellect, even by the high standards of elven society. A child genius, she was a leading figure in the development of the city's glyph technology, which had become integral to Quel’Luttan's infrastructure. Rayla preferred solitude and scholarly pursuits, spending much of her time in her library and overseeing her brother's leadership of their house. Despite her reclusive nature, she played a critical role in the city's defense by using her deep understanding of magical glyphs to counteract the demonic incursions and fortify the city's defenses.

-Lien-Shun Pyrae 

Lien-Shun Pyrae was a retired general and a formidable pyromancer from House Pyrae . Known for her exceptional magical prowess and experience as a child soldier at the end of the Empyrionic War , Lien-Shun was one of Quel’Luttan's most powerful pyromancers. Though elderly at the time of the city's fall, she remained an active contributor to the city's defense, helping construct many of the automatons that formed the backbone of the city's workforce and defenses. Her combat experience and strategic acumen were invaluable during the defense against the devils.

Defense of Quel’Luttan

The crisis in Quel’Luttan began following an announcement by the Fey King that the city would extend its aid to the ravaged world beyond its mystical gates. This decision angered some factions present, and soon after, the city was attacked. The Trinity narrowly survived an initial ambush that claimed the lives of many city leaders. In this chaos, the city's automatons, corrupted by dark magic, turned against the citizens, adding to the turmoil.   Realizing the gravity of the situation, the Trinity made their way to the palace to warn the Fey King. There, they encountered the devils Valdor Rask**, Borzan The Cursmith , and Kral, who had infiltrated the palace and launched an assassination attempt against the heads of Quel’Luttan's major houses. The Trinity managed to save some of the leaders, who then attempted to rally the city's defenses. Unfortunately, during the confrontation, Valdor Rask killed the Fey King, creating a leadership vacuum at a critical moment.

The Battle for the City

Following the Fey King's death, Borzan enacted a trap that inverted the city's defensive shield, preventing escape and laying a curse upon all those trapped within. The Trinity, realizing the severity of their predicament, negotiated with Borzan for the chance to escape and made their way to the Abjuration Tower. There, they successfully reversed the shield's effects, allowing a portion of the city's population to flee the infernal assault.
  With time running out and the city of Quel facing imminent destruction, the Trinity turned their attention to the planar portal at the city's heart. This portal connected Quel with Lutaan, the other half of the elven city, which had thus far remained untouched by the curse and invasion. Understanding that the devils planned to use the portal to expand their assault, the Trinity led a final stand at the portal to sever the connection and prevent further catastrophe.  

The Final Stand and Legacy

The defense of the portal was the last stand of Quel against the overwhelming forces of the Hellish Plains. The Trinity led the city's defenders in a desperate battle, fighting off waves of demonic attackers while working to sever the magical gateway. Their combined skills and determination enabled them to fend off the invaders long enough to break the portal's connection. This act ensured that the people of Lutaan were spared from both the curse and the devilish assault.
  Despite their success in protecting Lutaan, the city of Quel was lost, and the Trinity of Quel’Luttan perished in the process. Their courageous defense saved countless lives and prevented further incursions by the devils, securing their place as legends among their people. The Trinity's actions are remembered as a symbol of selfless heroism, and their sacrifice is honored by the survivors of Quel’Luttan and all who benefited from their bravery.
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