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Yuan-ti, a collective race of serpent people, inhabit various regions across the continent, with a significant presence in warm, wet climates like the jungles of Kianto . Often perceived as corrupt and degenerate monsters by other races, they navigate a world fraught with prejudice and suspicion.

Physical Characteristics

Yuan-ti exhibit a wide spectrum of physical traits, ranging from nearly human-like to predominantly snake-like, yet all possess distinct serpentine features. Their scale colors typically range from simple greens and browns to more intricate swirls, stripes, or diamond patterns, occasionally extending to hues of blues and reds.

Serpent Hierarchy

Structured around the purity of bloodlines, Yuan-ti society operates within a rigid caste system. Purebloods, resembling humans, occupy the highest echelon, while abominations, displaying predominantly serpentine features with minimal human attributes, occupy the lowest caste. Mutation is revered as a means of purifying bloodlines, facilitating ascension to higher castes.

Secrecy and Deception

Despite physical limitations, Yuan-ti thrive through cunning deception and strategic manipulation. Their survival hinges on intricate schemes to undermine superiors, seizing power for personal gain and advancing clan interests by eliminating perceived weaknesses.

Religious Practices

Yuan-ti are deeply religious, venerating their reptilian ancestors through worship of The Ageless Breath  or embracing mutation and change through devotion to The Black Spiral . While the upper echelons favor reverence for ancestral lineage, the lower classes exhibit a more bloodthirsty nature, gravitating towards deities such as The Feral Mark  or The Eye of Blood.


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