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Kianto is s large island, nestled far to the south of the Continent . Isolated from the mainland by the invisible Sea, it boasts a reputation for its expansive jungles teeming with perilous creatures. Renowned for its resilient inhabitants, the island has forged a reputation for toughness and survival amidst its untamed landscapes.


Covered almost entirely by dense jungle, Kianto's terrain is both its bounty and its peril. Its reputation for harboring dangerous creatures is well-earned, with the island serving as the exclusive habitat for numerous species of giant lizards found nowhere else on the continent. From towering trees to winding rivers, Kianto's geography is a testament to nature's raw power and unforgiving beauty.  


The people of Kianto embody resilience and fortitude, reflecting the harsh realities of their island home. With a significant population of reptilian peoples, including Lizardmen, Dragonborn, Kobolds and Yuan-ti. Their tribal communities dominate the lush jungles of Kianto. Their survival instincts honed by generations of living amidst the dangers of the untamed wilderness, these inhabitants have adapted to thrive in the face of adversity. Due to Kianto's isolated nature, the population of non-natives is minimal. Humans, Elves and Dwarves , common across the continent, are scarce here. Monsterous races such as Orcs and Chimeras have a limited presence, with a few tribes scattered about. The majority of outsiders are among the ranks of the Sentinels.


Government on the island is primarily decentralized, with authority vested in individual tribes, each led by its own chief. Alliances among these tribes are infrequent and precarious, reflecting the volatile nature of island politics. Additionally, Kianto is home to The Sentinels, an esteemed order of jungle warriors tasked with safeguarding the island's settlements from the relentless threats of the jungle, ensuring the safety of its inhabitants against the encroaching dangers.

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