District 03 - Player Knowledge


District 03 is located in North East of The Quad and Is run by CyberSec and its local government in tandem. It is a place where the locals value their independence and autonomy under its small local representatives who work for CyberSec. They are wary of outsiders who might exploit their resources or impose their rules.
  District 03 is known for its production of Helium3, a vital component that is used in the Micro-DH powerplants. The element is vital to The Quad and is a scarce and valuable commodity. This makes the district a target for rival gangs, corporations, and hackers who want to gain access to the synthfuel or sabotage its production. District 03 has a strong sense of community and solidarity, and the residents often band together to defend their territory and interests.
  They have developed their own culture, slang, and code of honor, and they distrust anyone who does not belong to their district. They also have their own network of informants, smugglers, and mercenaries who help them deal with threats and challenges. District 03 is a district that values freedom, loyalty, and survival and is willing to fight for its place.



Local Spirit:

The natives of the district are acutely aware of their origins and tend to band together to exclude outsiders. They may have deep local divides, but few wish to involve external forces, and they have as little to do with city officials and corp outsiders as possible. Only through extensive favors and contacts can this distance be removed.

Vital Resource:

The district provides some critical resource to the rest of the city. It may have the city desalinization plant, the primary power generation facility, or the core of the urban network. The most important locals are those in charge of this resource, and most of the rest make their living off of maintaining it or selling it to the rest of the city.
Vital Resource
Helium3 is mined from moon rocks and provided to other DH power plants.
Notable Places/Services

  • Click - Boom - A gun store that will sell weapons off page 55. However you have to have a District 03 contact to make purchases.
  • The General 5 - A general store that sells various goods people need in their every day life.
  • Zephyr - Can call a taxi for $50 per person


Local Fixers


Mordio Crow

Mordio crow has been in the sceen for ages. Not many have not heard the name Mordio Crow within District 03. He can often be found cutting deals with locals to fix their problems.


Fixer Jobs:



Ten-10 is a mountain of a woman, standing over two meters and built to crush skulls with her hands. She has been around the block since her days as a terrorist working against the San Fran government. These days since The Great Breach, she works with operators who need to have their own work done. Perfering to help those who are trying to help change things around the district.


Fixer Jobs:


Industry & Trade

Security Systems.
CyberSec provides security systems for the large majority of The Quad.   Labor. As with all districts, people are the most prominent trade good between districts. People may work in other districts and then return to their homes. Micro-DH Power Plant. This district provides power to other districts.

Government Officals




Major Local Corps


EndMed Foundation




Cover image: by Bing Image Genorator


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