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Falvodero (faal-vo-der-oh)

Falvoderos are mostly aquatic and can be found in ponds and lakes where they float along the surface of the water. Their shells are soft and resemble lilypads, giving them excellent camouflage. Their unique shell can absorb sunlight to give the creature extra energy when food is scarce, and can also regenerate quite well if damaged.

Basic Information


Falvoderos have round, flat bodies with four flipper-like limbs and a long paddle-tail. The neck can be stretched out far and is very bendy. They have large mouths and long snouts, their nostrils sit at the very end of their snouts so they can be kept above water to breathe even if the rest of the head is submerged. Their shell is soft and flexible and has raised edges resembling a lilypad leaf. The body is entierly brown while the shell is brightly green. Females are noticably bigger than males.

Genetics and Reproduction

Falvoderos live in large fleets but with no real social structure, so males and females mate whenever the time is right and a suitable partner is available.

Growth Rate & Stages

They lay their eggs on land, buried in dirt and sand. A female can lay anywhere between 6 - 20 eggs per litter. Once hatched, the babies race for the pond and can take care of themselves from the start.

Ecology and Habitats

Falvoderos like warm climates and require bodies of freshwater, in which they will spend most of their lives.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Falvoderos are carnivores who eat mostly insects and small fish, but also the eggs and larva of amphibians such as the Lyrm and the Furufey.


They are very docile and when not actively hunting they enjoy somply floating on the water surface in the sun.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Falvoderos see well in murky water, but have quite poor vision above water. They mostly rely on their sense of smell to hunt prey.

Name Origin & Meaning

The name "falvodero" comes from the varan words "falvo"=leaf, and "dero"=shell.
20 - 30 years
Average Weight
2 - 5 kg.
Average Length
20 - 50 cm (including tail)
Geographic Distribution


  • A male falvodero is called a male.
  • A female falvodero is called a female.
  • A juvenile falvodero is called a hatchling.
  • A group of falvodero is called a fleet.
  • The plural of falvodero is falvoderos.

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