Agarite Theological Centre Building / Landmark in The Bubble | World Anvil

Agarite Theological Centre

The Agarite Theological Centre was both the principal training college for priests and higher ranking prelates of the Void Church, and the spiritual and organisational hub of the entire organisation.


The building is made of tempered steel, local wood, glass and hardened resins, in the "naturist" style that was popular also on Earth at the time. It sits on the shore of Lake Agarite, where the sweeping wing roofs which shade tall rows of windows are reflected in the calm waters.


The Agarite Theological Centre was built by the first mission from Blue Home of the newly established but fast growing Void Church, on the outskirts of the small logging town of Agarite, on the southern hemisphere island of Sasslos.
Founding Date
College / Academy
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: Agarite Theological Centre by DMFW with Midjourney


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