Sons of Venderus

"I am the shield of the Legion, the protector of those in need, the exemplar of all Kalriv. I am a Son of Venderus."
-Rallying call of the Sons of Venderus
  The Sons of Venderus are an elite unit of the Sunburst Legion. Unlike standard Kalriv Legions, the Sunburst Legion, as an ecclesiastic legion operating outside the Kalriv Empire, have been given special dispensation by the Solar priesthood to subdivide and suborganise itself according to its current mission. The Sons of Venderus are an example of this - a unit created, trained and specialised specifically for the protection of the most important personnel among the Legion's clients.   The Sons, along with the rest of the Sunburst Legion, have been deployed to the city-state of Solathi, where they are contracted by the reigning House of Avila. While the Legion as a whole supplements the Solathine Guard, the Sons have been tasked with the protection of the House of Avila and their retinue from all threats- internal or external.



The Sons of Venderus operate outside of the standard battalion/century/file division of the Kalriv Legions and are instead a force of twenty-five legionaries.


The Sons of Venderus are given access to the best equipment available to the Sunburst Legion, with muscle cuirasses considered a standard - unless they are in situations where scale armour may be more appropriate.


The Sons are issued the same weapons as standard legions; the medium-length spear, the xiphos sword and the round bronze-faced shield. They are also able to requisition other weapons that may better suit their particular assignments, such as shortbows or bronze maces.


The Sons are composed entirely of officers. The unit itself is led by an Apex (a senior officer rank in the Kalriv Legion), answering directly to the Legate of the Sunburst Legion. The Apex is responsible for leading the unit and administering it. From there, the Apex disseminates orders and duties to the Spearpoints (junior officers) who make up the general membership of the Sons.   The most prominent Sons are;  
  • Apex Trevik Kolyos, commanding officer of the unit and personal bodyguard to Dux Nerala Avila;
  • Spearpoint Radec Kilurin, executive officer and personal bodyguard to Captain-General Soros Avila;
  • Spearpoint Kylas Taylinion, personal bodyguard to Lady Kara Avila.

Trevik Kolyos, Apex and commander of the Sons of Venderus
  In addition, as the Captain-General of the Solathine Guard, Soros Avila of House Avila also provides orders to the Sons; and while these are usually disseminated through the Legate of the Sunburst Legion, he can theoretically command any soldier at will; as can Dux Nerala Avila herself.


"Yes, on the field of battle, the standard legionary training is second to none. But Venderus calls us to protect - and to best serve the people who have asked for protection, our tactics must evolve to meet new objectives outside that field."
-Legate Jiril Sanathan, explaining the Sons' unorthodox training to Sun Legate Vokar, in Var Kalriv, 466 TE
  All Sons of Venderus are given specialised training that goes beyond the standard file-based tactics of regular legionaries, instead trained to operate as singular operatives or small teams depending on their position. They are also trained specifically to defend non-combatant targets, to counter assassins, to carry out surveillance and to identify and negate security risks.   The average Son undergoes rigorous training scenarios engineered to simulate situations they may find themselves facing in the line of duty. These consist of specific planned scenarios, but many also include 'surprise' scenarios that the Son has been given no warning or advance opportunity to prepare for, with adaptability to any situation seen as vital for being a Son of Venderus.   To this end, and due to their need to operate independently and have their own understanding of tactics, all Sons of Venderus undergo officer training - or in the case of already being officers, they are given a refresher tailored to their role.


Logistical Support

The nature of the Sons' missions are such that they are expected to be able to operate independently without any logistical support.


Membership of the Sons is by appointment from the Legate himself. Candidates from within the Sunburst Legion are nominated by senior officers and Chaplains and are drawn from members of the Legion who have distinguished themselves in both valour and martial prowess.   Due to the high importance of the individuals they protect, all members of the Sons must be officers. Non-officers who have proven themselves can be nominated and usually undergo the trials and exams needed to be promoted to Spearpoint.


The Sons were formed as part of the initial agreement struck between the Sunburst Legion and the Duchy of Solathi in 465 TE. In addition to the Sunburst Legion supplementing the Solathine Guard in their day to day duties and serving as a standing army, it was agreed that the finest legionaries would protect the ruling House of Avila and their retinues - primarily important lords and ladies of other houses or even other city-states who attended and assisted the house.   To this end, legionaries were selected from the Legion as a whole who were not only formidable warriors with an aptitude for single and team combat, but also with exemplary loyalty and an embodiment of the values of the sun god himself. These men would be given a name with weight to match that duty - the Sons of Venderus.   Thus far, over the past four years the Sons have served with distinction, with security in Brightwater Spire considered impeccable, and with a number of plots against some of the Retinue foiled. It is only in the last two years that this has seen a challenge in the form of the Kjoqvist-Calinan Trading Company rising to prominence among the Solathine duchy. With the betrothal of Valkris Eliksen of the Kjor to Lady Kara Avila, daughter of the Dux, the Company has begun to enter the highest echelons of power, and tensions between the Sunburst Legion and the Company, who view each other as possibly threats, are rising.  

Spearpoint Kylas Taylinion
"My duty is to protect Kara against all threats - the fact it's an illness doesn't relieve me of that."
-Spearpoint Kylas Taylinion, preparing to depart Solathi to search for a Lifeblight cure
  Complicating the matter is the greatest threat to the Sons' mission thus far - Lady Kara Avila falling ill to the illness known as Lifeblight, a condition that is almost invariably fatal and for which there is no cure. Spearpoint Kylas Taylinion, assigned to Kara's protection, appears to have taken this as a direct challenge to his duty, and has left the city to embark upon what some believe to be a futile quest to locate something - anything - that can cure Lady Avila. His success, or lack thereof, could dictate the future of the relationship between not just the Sons and the House, but of the Legion and Solathi itself.
Special Forces
465 TE
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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Jul 11, 2024 19:19 by Alan Byers

Rootin' for ya Kylas!

Aug 7, 2024 01:13 by Marjorie Ariel
Aug 7, 2024 01:13 by Marjorie Ariel

I like how they basically all go through officer training because that's what they need to perform their duties. Nice article, I like how you broke up the layout with alouds and pictures.