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Also known as 'God-touched', Aasimar are humans that had in their blood some good, otherworldly characteristics. They are often, but not always, descended from angels and other creatures of pure good alignment, but while predisposed to good alignments, Aasimar are by no means always good.
Aasimar bare the mark of their celestial touch through many different physical features that often varied from individual to individual. Nearly all Aasimar are uncommonly beautiful and still, and they are often significantly taller than humans as well.
If an Aasimar of light commits a foul deed or breaks their divine bond they become fallen. A fallen Aasimar gains a pair of skeletal wings and their eyes become pools of black. If a fallen Aasimar works to redeem themselves, it is possible to regain the light that they have lost.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Reach adulthood at a similar rate to Humans

Ecology and Habitats

Due to their celestial heritage Aasimars are not common. Their few numbers are fairly evenly spread amongst the Isle.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Pupil-less pale white, gold, gray, or topaz

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Around 160 years
Average Height
Average Weight
124‒280 lb
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin colour-Pale to dark brown, emerald, gold, silver
Hair colour-Red, blonde, brown, black, silver


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