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An ancient hag who lived in the town of Oldwood, Agnes used her magic to manipulate the citizens for centuries. The citizens of Oldwood can trace their lineage back to the very first settlers on The Capital Isle and due to their connection to the land, Agnes was able to easily control them. She would force the people to partake in foul rituals, give up their young and would then wipe their memories so they would have no recollection as to what happened.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Using the chaos of The Dark War, Agnes moved into Oldwood and began to manipulate the people of the town. She has been there ever since.
Her secret was discovered by the party and Theren who put an end to her vile deeds.
394 SA 1492 SA 1098 years old
Sunken grey
Messy, tangled, thinning grey hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Wrinkled and Greying
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