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Betrieos Fivewinds

Master of Trade

Betrieos Fivewinds was the former Master of Trade on the The Varosian Council. Betrieos was elected as a further act of peace between The Capital Isle and The Immortal Empire. Many initially believed that he had no place on the council and that he was only there to make the Empire happy. He quickly ended these rumours by bringing the capital Isle into a new era of prosperous international trade.

Physical Description

Body Features

Very slender and agile.

Identifying Characteristics

Despite his black fur, he has white fur around his chin

Physical quirks

Ambidextrous, and enjoys using his nimble sleight of hand to twirl whatever he's holding between his fingers.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears expensive yet straightforward clothing. Usually fine leathers but with muted colours. Has several golden rings in his left ear.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

A master of diplomacy, able to plan several steps ahead to gain optimum results.

Morality & Philosophy

He is a very well kept individual who cares much about his reputation. Reputation means more to him than gold.
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Date of Death
25th Mist
1452 SA 1492 SA 40 years old
Circumstances of Death
Current Residence
Solid black, Narrow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Black fur, with streaks of white throughout.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Fluent in most common languages of The Capital Isle


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