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Eastport is The Capital Isle's busiest port. It is a bustling city full of trade and culture. It is well known for its impressive market bazaars and relaxed stance on illicit pleasures.


Though the city is run by the Baron of Eastport, it is more a showy title rather than an actual position of power. The real power lies in the businesses that keep the city running.

Industry & Trade

The city is a bustling trade port, with ships from all over Asar arriving to sell their goods. The city has some of the most well stocked markets of the Isle and is known for the vast ranges of products one can purchase here.
The city is also home to a large community of Pirànjù natives. They live in a district nicknamed 'Dragonside' and have set up there own markets and businesses. These markets are incredibly popular as it gives salamanders a taste of eastern culture.


The main port that gives the city its name is the most impressive feature of the city. It can hold dozens of ships at a time and even has a dry dock to help aid repairs to any damage.
The city is also home to a temple of Waukeen, the godess of trade. Many merchants and sailors pray here hoping to have their trade blessed with good fortune.

Guilds and Factions

The most affluent of the guilds in the city is The Crosswave Company, a mercantile shipping company that engages in international trade. They were built from the ground up and are a testament to what is possible in this fine city.
The Tidal Shield Guild are also a prominent organisation within the city. They help deal with trade negotiations and protect against any seaborne threats.


Many flock to the city to enjoy the pleasures offered in the raucous taverns and pleasure houses of the Red Lantern district. It is one of the few cities where such debauchery is legal, boosting its popularity even further.


  • Map of Eastport
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