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Tom Avraeman

(a.k.a. Averageman)

After living his simple life, Tom Avraeman soon picked up a new mentality when he was cursed with Lycanthropy. Now he trains with a secret order to see him use these new found powers as a force of good, rather than the curse that he had heard of as a boy.

Physical Description

Body Features

Long tied up brown hair, strong arms, and a well kept physique.

Facial Features

Bushy brown eyebrows & chops and piercing blue eyes.

Special abilities

Tom harnesses the power (or curse) of Lycanthropy, so he can use these powers to transform into a werewolf.

Apparel & Accessories

Usually wears a burgundy coat, armoured trousers and under armour on his body. He also wears a medallion shaped like a wolf round his neck and carries a strange heirloom on his back, a sword handed down through his family.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thomas Avraeman was a humble man, he was average height and build with dark brown hair, bright blue eyes and always had a smile on his face. He lived a happy life his wife Fiela, and his two daughters Meira and Merida, until one night, a group of wolf like creatures attacked their village. Tom knew he had tor protect his family so he ripped the long sword that was once a family heirloom off the wall, and he ran out into the night. He was unprepared and was bitten by one of the creatures and would have died, if not for a mysterious saviour that appeared out of nowhere over him. After being saved, Tom passed out with his last memories being of the mysterious saviour walking towards him.
When Tom awoke, the stranger introduced himself as Tyrin Selemer, explaining that he belonged to an ancient organisation called The Moonlit Order. He explained that the order are a group of hunters who specialise in tracking and killing monsters. He explained that all the members of the order were lycanthropes and that since Tom had been bitten by one in the fight, Tom would soon turn to lycanthropy. After explaining the dangers of wild lycanthropy, Tyrin gave Tom two options. Either Tyrin ends Toms life here, quickly and peacefully, or, he could leave his home for good and join the Moonlit Order. Tom reluctantly accepted and promised his family he would find a cure for his terrible curse and return home.
Practicing day and night, Tom learning to fight, was taught about blood pacts, spells, alchemy, potions and of-course how to control his lycanthropy. The members of the order had a lot of respect for Tom and how quickly he learned the tricks of the trade. Though never mastering one skill, he was adept with all the Orders combat arts, thus earning Tom the nickname "Averageman".

Personality Characteristics


Tom is completely motivated on finding a cure and killing anything standing in his way that could harm him and others around him.


Religious Views

Has a basic belief in the teaching of Lathander, the morning lord
Current Location
Year of Birth
1457 SA 35 Years old
Bright blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization
Known Languages


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