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Fort Irondeep

Fort Irondeep is a fortress that was build during the Dark War. It lay abandoned for years until is was bought and renovated by Charles Leeber. It now acts as the base of operations for The Tidal Shield Guild.


After the fort was renovated by Charles Leeber, it received some major upgrades. Most notably in the offensive and defensive aspects, but also in a visual manner. The Fort has been refashioned so that it has both operational offices for the bureaucratic side of the Tidal Shield guild as well as a massive dock to birth the guild's fleet.


Built as a bastion durng the dark war, the fort saw extensive while the conflict raged on. It ultimately fell and was left abandoned for centuries. After The Convergence ended, Charles Leeber bought the ruined remains and turned it back into a full operational Fort. He then funded the Tidal Shield Guild and made the newly renovated fort their base of operations.
Founding Date
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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