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The Convergence

On the 22nd of Sky 1464 the plane of The Shadowfell overlapped with The Material Plane. This caused the Undead forces to pour through and begin wreaking havoc on The Capital Isle with the evil forces were led by the Sentinel of shadow, Umbrinus.

Humanity began a long and brutal fight that lasted nearly five years. With High King Volmar Proudmourn leading the nation and The Royal Army, as well as support from Tempus' Legion being led by Simiro Sairtora, victory seemed assured. However, in 1466 Volmar was killed protecting the old capital, Heimgate. This forced Volmar's unprepared and untrained younger brother Nervack Proudmourn to take up the title of High King. Nervack's inexperience caused him to make several terrible mistakes that cost thousands of lives. It was't long before Simiro offered to take charge of the military side of the conflict to which Nervack gladly agreed. With the great knight Sairtora at the helm of the armies humanity slowly began to turn the tide of the war. But, the turning point came with the slaughter at The Marrow Field .
Diviners had foreseen a massive gateway would soon open in the plains south of Highville and the new combined army moved to fight whatever came out. The battle was sheer carnage with thousands being killed. Among the dead were Simiro's right hand and protoge, Tarin Newguard as well as Order of the Broken Sword commander Mayln Rallus. Luckily Champion Heliel Cadwell was able to use divine intervention to close the gate but not before the damage had already been done.

Having seen how quickly all their progress could be torn away, Simiro realised that something drastic had to be done. He gathered a small group of trusted soldiers and entered the Shadowfell himself. A few days after he left, all the gateways closed and the Convergence ended. Sadly Simiro and his men never returned but his sacrifice saved an entire continent from destruction.
Decpite the main invasion being halted, there have been several residual problems. One being monsters and undead that were stuck on the material plane when the gateways closed. Anther is the semi-sentient liquid called Iquor, which warps and corrupts anything it comes into contact with. The main problem is actually a human problem. The new Kings mistakes made many loose faith in the authority of the crown and many have grown to resent the Proudmourn family and what they represent.


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