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Glacial Cauldron

The Glacial Cauldron is an area within the The Frozen Wastes where dark magic is prevalent. The magic in the cauldron causes strange distortions to the land, massive glaciers, mountains of ice and temporal rifts are all frequent sightings. Possibly the most bizarre change is to the size. Through it should only take a few days to cross The Frozen Wastes, any who travel through the Cauldron can spend weeks travelling before reaching the other side. Many creatures dwell with the Cauldron, and very few of them are friendly. This has caused the Rangers of Frostpire to send parties into the Wastes to report the actions of the creatures. Through the city is protected by Chillbane, monster attacks can still cause issues for Frostspire


The Cauldron resembles a great crater, surrounded on all sides by a vast mountain range with the only exit being the route to Frostspire. With great hills within and vast glaciers, it is an incredibly dangerous place for unprepared explorers.   The Cauldron is also the home to the The Frost Wardens, run by Rogan Frostfall and his family who reside in the great keep of Winterhall, a huge citadell of ice and stone located deep within the Cualdron. The Wardens are the leading exporters of the magic rich crystalls found in here,Frost Pearls.

Fauna & Flora

There is very little plant life within the Cauldron most of the fauna consists of dangerous monsters. Many of the monsters are unique to the wastes whereas others have adapted to the frigid climate. Nonetheless, unsuspecting adventures will find the creatures that live here a challenge to face. There are a few scattered tribes of Goliaths who have managed to adapted to the frigid climates and live a brutal life where survival is fought for.

Natural Resources

The only reason to venture into the Cauldron, other than to deal with any potential threats, are Frost Pearls. These magic rich crystals are used in magic item forging, empowering magical devices and to extend the lifespan of Aetherium Cores.
Alternative Name(s)
The White Maw
Desert, Ice
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Myths
Related Materials


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