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Lliira, known as The Lady of Joy or The Joy Bringer, is the Goddess of Joy. She lives to bring excitement and merriment to the people of The Capital Isle. She is often revered during celebrations, such as weddings, birthdays, coronations etc and is known to bestow her blessing onto those who revel in such festivities.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Triangle of three six-pointed stars


Contacts & Relations

Lliira is allies with the Goddess Waukeen. She is also allied with the deities Deneir and Oghma, but refused to view the latter as her superior. 
She despises any deity that seeks to bring misery and dismay. She holds particular animosity towards Beshaba, Cyric, Shar and Talona.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Chaotic Good


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