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A unique form of necromancy adopted by Rayth Mallus, Semi-Undeath is a state between living and undeath. Usually an undead creature looses its sentience and becomes feral, a creature that is Semi-undead retains its mind and personality but becomes a hollow version of their former self. It is necromancy that gives a being more life, and resurrection that leaves a being closer to undeath. It is a cruel fate to have but is sometimes necessary to preserve the lives of the fallen.


Brought about by spells created by Rayth Mallus. They are dark versions of divine resurrections.


Those under this effect find that their skin begins to crack and break as if it were porcelain. Eyes become a deep twisting green and a necrotic smoke begins to leak from their body. Those afflicted also suffers all the negative traits of undeath but receives none of the positive ones, other than no longer needing food and water.
Extremely Rare


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