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Rayth Mallus

Champion Mayln Rallus

An immensely powerful necromancer and deadly warrior, Rayth is a terrifying presence and fearsome adversary. The current Champion of the Order of the Broken Sword, he works with Tarin Newguard to assist in his goals.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Starting his military career as a lowly acolyte in the Order of the Broken Sword, the once named Mayln Rallus had an affinity for the arcane which saw him rise through the ranks quickly. He was obsessed with preserving the lives of his fellow soldiers and would often put his own life in danger to heal his compatriots. Eventually his recklessness caused him to be struck through the chest by an arrow whilst running to aid a wounded soldier. Luckily his allies managed to save him before he died but Mayln had changed. He realised that no matter how many people he healed, they would all die regardless. He set about learning the secrets of extending life and used this on the battlefield. He was able to bring soldiers back from the dead with revivify and resurrection. He even found a way to ward against his own death which proved useful when The Convergence came. When the planes overlapped, Rallus was a commander working under Champion Heliel Cadwell. Rallus had only died once prior to the convergence and officially only died twice during the catastrophe. However, it is widley belived he had died countless times and the real number of deaths is unknown. The most notable of his deaths was at The Marrow Field , where witnesses claim Mayln used all his strength to revive a mass of soldiers before they died. The act killed him and by the end he looked more like a burnt out husk than a person.

Personality Characteristics


Working with Tarin Newguard to help him find the The Crucible. Will fight for Tempus and his men, no matter the cost.



All speech made by Rayth comes out as a dark symphony of rasped whispers
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Is currently The Dreadlord and commander of the The Dreadknights.
Circumstances of Death
Has died several times. Every time he is brought back, more of his humanity fades away
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
'You can either serve me in this life or the next, I care not which you choose'   'She will break soon, all do eventually'   'To die for Tempus is an honour, an honour I've had countless times before'
Aligned Organization
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