Arm of Asar

The Arm of Asar is one of two long groups of asteroids (the other being the Arm of Saila) that sweep through the Cascade , extending like arms or tentacles from the asteroid Barrier that blankets the inside of the Cascade's crystal sphere. The Arm of Asar is named after Asar, one of the members of the Nine.   The Arms both "orbit" the centre of the Cascade in a counterclockwise direction, and almost all of the Cascade's worlds pass into and through them at some point during their orbits. Collisions between planets and asteroids are almost unheard of, although no one knows why.   The Arm of Asar contains many small, inhabited planetoids among the many uninhabited asteroids and rocks. Travel through the Arms can often be dangerous, but can also be lucrative to those who are willing to brave their hazards.
Asteroid belt
Location under

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